Featured Speaker: Charlotte Nguyen

Intimacy is the Root of Connection: Mindfulness and Radical Imagination

Charlotte Nguyen is a transformational coach, spiritual adviser, activist and the pint-sized daughter of Vietnamese refugees.  After the death of her first love in 2007, she began a journey to learn how to be free from suffering.  For the past 6 years, she has worked with hundreds of people in the field of personal development, helping them cultivate lives full of trust, confidence, intimacy, connection, mindfulness and compassion with themselves and all their relations.

Her work on dharma + politics has appeared in Voyage Magazine, Buzzfeed, Feministe and Turning Wheel Media.  The practice of mindfulness is a path she devotes herself + her life to everyday.  She is blessed to serve + share this practice which have so profoundly changed her life.

Collect your free gift from Charlotte here here: A Meditation for Healing Trauma

Featured Speaker: Hemalayaa

Yoga is How We Can Embody Healing

Hemalayaa empowers thousands of people internationally with her unique blend of traditional and modern lifestyle programs, workshops, retreats and videos. She stars in numerous DVDs, her own TV show, youtube videos, and featured in various health and wellness magazines; bringing fitness to a whole new level of fun.

Hemalayaa provides tools to experience a balanced state of being, true self-acceptance and a passion for life. Hemalayaa’s specialty is supporting women in their FULL potential to Embody their delicious dream life!

Hemalayaa incorporates dynamic yoga postures, free-form dance, transformative exercises, positive affirmations, and energizing breath-work to enhance your optimal health, radiant-self, and spiritual connection.
Hemalayaa’s magnetic energy leads all into a liberated state of being: balanced in true self-acceptance and a passion for life. She has been featured in numerous publications such as NY Times, Origin, Yoga Journal, LA Times, and Shape, as well as on the talk shows Ellen, Lisa Oz, and The Today Show.

Let’s recycle our negative thoughts and transcend them into powerful intentions for our lives.

Collect your free gift from Hemalayaa here: 4 Part Embody Meditation Series

Video Music Credit: Hydra by Trishes

The purpose of this summit is to highlight the importance of diversity in Western yoga spaces and explore how we can honor rather than appropriate yoga while inspiring learning, growth, reflection and action. Because of the nature of this summit, we will not be providing any opportunities for solicited endorsement. The opinions expressed in this summit are those of the presenters. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of myself or the Ignite Yoga and Wellness Institute.