Featured Speaker: Alex Van Frank

Skillful Means: Power, Privilege and our Path to Service

A hybrid Yogi, Alex comes from a mix of Indigenous and European heritages. Yoga and meditation her my way of bringing awareness, loving kindness, abate the causes of suffering and bring a sense of community to a variety of students. She emphasizes the cross-cultural accessibility of yoga for all body shapes and mindsets, regardless of limitations. "I foster a compassionate environment in which students can learn what is important and true to their own body and mind, whether that be physical strength, mental calmness or something more."

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Featured Speaker: Michelle Cassandra Johnson

Ways to Move Together As Opposed to Separately

I have a deep understanding of how trauma impacts the mind, body, spirit and heart. My awareness of the world through my experience as a black woman allows me to know, first hand how privilege and power operate. I understand the toll that oppression can take on individuals and the collective physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.I am a social justice warrior, empath, yoga teacher and practitioner and an intuitive healer. Whether in an anti-oppression training, yoga space, individual or group intuitive healing session, healing and wholeness are at the center of how I approach all of my work in the world. I've spent many years on the front lines of justice movements craving a space for healing through ritual, ceremony and sacred practice. While working in many non-profits with missions focused on justice I didn't find a space that centered healing as a tool to create justice. So, I created my own space and way of working.I create healing spaces in many different ways working with individuals and groups. I lead anti-racism trainings, yoga workshops focused on the intersection of justice and yoga and I offer intuitive healing sessions to support social justice workers, healers and activists who are on the front lines and struggling with how to sustain themselves as they do their good work in the world.I have a background as a licensed clinical social worker and I have been teaching yoga for ten years. I began my own teacher training in 2014 and recently wrote a book about yoga and justice, Skill in Action: Radicalizing Your Yoga Practice to Create a Just World. I inspire change that allows people to stand in their humanity and wholeness in a world that fragments most of us. There are myriad of ways to work with me. I hope to support you on your healing journey and path towards wholeness in whatever capacity allows you to live your fullest life.

Video Music Credit: Hydra by Trishes

The purpose of this summit is to highlight the importance of diversity in Western yoga spaces and explore how we can honor rather than appropriate yoga while inspiring learning, growth, reflection and action. Because of the nature of this summit, we will not be providing any opportunities for solicited endorsement. The opinions expressed in this summit are those of the presenters. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of myself or the Ignite Yoga and Wellness Institute.